Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Family is so complicated it drives me crazy. I know no matter what happens family is family and we all have to stay together but sometimes they drive me crazy and I wish I could pick my own family. Sometimes I feel like my friends or strangers are nicer to me than my own family. I know as family we bicker or tease but when I'm crying, it went to far. Don't get me wrong I love my family and would anything for them. I just don't understand why family can be so mean sometimes? In my family my grandparents always called me fat and then my grandma would cook and then try to stuff me after calling me fat like an hour ago. I know they care about my health but weight is a sensitive subject and I hate when they make me eat after they call me fat. What makes them think I want to eat after that? I also hate all the drama that happens with aunts, uncles, and cousins. I mean with friend drama you can just ignore them and never talk to them again if you don't want to but with family it doesn't work that way because of family parties and because it makes it hard for all your other family members. Well, the point to this post is that family is a big part of life because they stick with you forever, well most of forever lol. Family is there for your ups and downs. To me they're like music. They help me when I'm upset and they are always there when I need them most. Family is number one to me and music is number two because they pretty much do the same for me and that is...support me and help me grow.

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