Friday, June 21, 2013

Those Days

Do you ever get those days when you just feel horrible. Like you look in the mirror and you just want to cry from the sight of yourself, well that was me today. I have no clue to why I feel like that but I guess it's just a bad day. Today I woke up really early and the moment I looked in the mirror when I was brushing my teeth I just wanted to cry and smash the mirror. Maybe because I didn't get enough sleep and I'm just over tired but the point to this post is everyone should love themselves the way they are and should learn to love themselves. I'm not going to feed you guys with "if you don't like it change it" because sometimes what you see is not the problem but it's the way you see it. I think everyone is beautiful and I'm a person that tries to live in this world of problems and believe that there is no ugly. I know there are people out there that enjoy bringing people down but the things is there is someone else in the world bringing them down. I believe if everyone just stopped and thought about what they wanted to say before they said it, life would be a lot prettier. I just want to put this out there to everyone that is going to read this. You are beautiful in some sort of way and I know it means nothing for me to say that but it's true and I hope you have a great day and look in the mirror and smile from what you see  after you read this. You're beautiful and I love you! :D

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